Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sketch Time!


It has been too long since I have posted an update here! I apologize! This semester is the busiest I have ever had, and unfortunately my comics have been pushed to the wayside.

BUT! This past weekend I made a trip out to NYC to visit my brother and I took advantage of the time in the airport/plane to do some sketching. These are quite literally the only drawings I have done for the sake of drawing in recent memory. So I thought I would share them!

I pretty much love drawing intricate robots. I just let my mind wander as I spend time drawing all the little parts, imagining how it was built and how it works. Creating a back story in my mind. I also love sketching with regular ol' Bic Pens. Something about the simplicity and the ability to get such variation in shade just makes them ideal for doodles. I also love just winging it without any planning or pencils; just creating a mental image and going straight to the pen. Part of me wants to experiment with creating a whole comic like this some day. We shall see...

In any case, I thought I would give a little update on the process of book making for me at the moment.

I plan on finishing Nimbus as soon as possible. It is still in the process of being inked and, as I mentioned before, I can't find ANY free time to work on it. But hopefully with Holiday breaks coming up I can knock it out. I really need to have it done for SPACE this year (which I am exhibiting at again!). I have also purchased some paper to screen print some more covers. I need to screen print the covers for Nimbus 2 and 3 at MSU before I graduate in May so that my book covers will look consistent.

I also have paper that I will use to print the cover for my recent 24 hour comic, The Messenger. I also hope to have these available at SPACE.

So thats that. I will let you know if I make any more progress and try to give you more to look at on this blog. Thanks for reading this lengthy post (if you got this far!) and thanks for bearing with me through this comic dry spell.



PS - There are still more motion pieces being posted to my time and motion blog if you want to check them out!