Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I recently drew this story board for my 3D Computer Animation class. We were supposed to pitch story ideas for the upper level animation class to work on next semester. Since I am graduating, even if my idea was used I wouldn't be able to work on it but I wanted to pitch a fun story anyways.
My friend Kevin Folk and I were talking about facial hair in relation to job interviews and we thought this would be a funny idea. After I pitched it in class my teacher thought another good ending would be if he walked out of the interview and there were a row of portraits off all the company's great leaders on the wall and they were all bearded. I kind of like that ending a lot.

Note: For the talking in this I was imagining it being like mumbling or incoherent noises. I didn't think speech would be necessary.



Thursday, March 3, 2011

The White Whale

So I sketched up this whale robot on my plane ride home from NY this fall and I got inspired after studying for way too long last night and thought I would try to color it. I threw everything out the window for this one, as far as flatting and all that jazz. It was nice to just get out the tablet and doodle.